Keywords: machine learning, information theory, data compression, audio and video codecs, distributed network protocols.
Reach me at [email protected]
Published peer-reviewed research papers:
(also, see my github account page)
Tired of dramatic volume swings in modern movies? Trying to watch something without disturbing the others? This tool selectively reduces the volume of loud, bass-heavy, and jarring sounds (explosions, gunfire, and aggressive musical beats), while leaving the rest (like dialogue) untouched. No more scrambling for the remote when a whisper is followed by an explosion that reverberates down your spine – just consistent, comfortable listening.
shell command alternativels
reimagined for modern times, with friendlier notations, built-in awareness of things like git repos and various dotfiles file datatypes.
Translate your network logs to a simple JSON-based NetVis format and visualize the network events and communication in detail. Check out the demo. Built in coordination with IPFS team, NetVis is an indispensable tool when designing and developing network functionality on any level.
It uses in-memory suffix array to lookup index entries. RusticSearch is minimalistic in design and perfect when adding simple search functionality where fancier solutions can be an overkill.
Getting into the weeds of the audio filtering algorithm used by serene-audio-mode
(see above).
Quantitative analysis of randomized algorithms may look intimidating, but a couple of simple tricks goes the long way. We look at how to build some intuition and understanding behind the algorithm’s performance using the quicksort as an example.
A problem I had trying to make jmeter work on my machine and what fixed it
hotkey for Cygwin shell with ConEmuReproducing iTerm’s Cmd+K
in Windows Cygwin.
Using NetVis framework to visualize algorithms behind Kademlia-styled DHT.
Introduction to X-fast trie-style data structures.